Wiener...Ready For Takeoff!

Wiener...Ready For Takeoff!
Wiener...Ready For Takeoff!

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Land of Smiles

Daddy left on Monday for a quick business trip to Tokyo, so mommy and I have been on our own in Bangkok. Since we've been here less than a week, she’s a bit reluctant to venture out on her own. I have an impeccable sense of smell, however, so I'd like to think I've been helping her find her way around. I try to at least point her in the right direction, if I even know which way that is. As you can imagine, It's a little trickier finding our way around here when compared to living in the states. There's a few more people to get in your way—11 million to be exact!

Which, or course, makes this place a complete sensory overload. My eyes are burning from the pollution and fumes that blanket the city. My sniffer is literally on overdrive. The city's aroma is a unique combination of spicy noodles, car exhaust, sweet coconut milk, and sizzling meat stands that fill the streets. I'm beginning to drool just thinking about those hot, barbecued meats! I mean it when I say I can smell a meat cart 4 blocks away. It almost stings the nostrils. My ears continue to ring from the honking and harmonious buzz of traffic. With the city rapidly growing, the sounds of jack hammers and heavy machinery can be heard coming from construction sites early in the morning all the way past sunset. On our walks I listen to the friendly babble and chit-chat between locals that I dearly wish I could understand. I guess it wouldn't really matter if I did though, since humans can't understand me. At least I wouldn't have to look at them dazed and confused whenever they spoke to me. Then again, that's what I do now whenever mommy or daddy tell me to sit, stay, or come!

Today mommy took me for a walk around our neighborhood. I've never had so many people approach me smiling and so excited to see me. They're all incredibly warm and happy, and of course, always smiling. I'm not really sure what they're smiling at, but I like their style. At first I thought I was walking around with my fly down or something. Why else would they be staring, right? Then I remembered, I'm not wearing any pants so that couldn't it. When daddy takes me for walks—excuse my bragging—I'm a complete chick magnet. The girls flock to us giggling and can't seem to control themselves. “So cute. So cute.” How many times have I heard that!? My daddy's pretty handsome, but I know for a fact they aren't talking about him. When mommy takes me for walks, the girls are still drawn to us grinning cheek to cheek, but there are also the random honks from enthusiastic men driving tuk-tuks and taxi bikes. I'm not sure what the big deal is….haven't they ever seen a hot dog before??

Loving these iced espressos!

When we're out on our walks I try to mark every bush or shrub I see. Living in the heart of the city, I'm never sure when my next opportunity will be. If I see a plant spring up out of the concrete sidewalk, you can count on it getting blasted. It's hard to get some privacy around here. I'm not asking for much, but it would be nice to get a little peace and quiet so that I could focus on the task at hand. I don't have a fear of pooping in public, for sure, but it's kind of embarrassing walking around with a turtle head then having to pinch a loaf on the street. I have to make a conscious effort not to urinate on any buddhist shrines, too. They always have the nicest displays adorned with flowers, candles, food offerings, and plants. But I doubt if I made it rain on a sacred shrine that it would go over too well with the Thais. We attempted to go on a walk in Queen's Park the other day, but were unfortunately steered away after noticing the several signs instructing us that dogs aren't allowed. I thought parks were made for dogs? I guess they do it differently in other countries. It's just one of the new idiosyncrasies we’ll have to get used to, I guess.

I’m happy that finally our lonely four day stint of just the two of us is coming to an end. I think mommy could really use some other human interaction. She's starting to talk to herself. Honestly, it's kind of creeping me out! Thank goodness daddy comes home tonight! Brace yourself Thailand it's time for a party in the BKK!!

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