Grab your umbrellas (and
perhaps a floatation device) folks…monsoon season has begun here in BKK and
we’re off to a very wet start! When it rains here, it seriously POURS...cats and doggies!!! The worst part about these storms is the loud, booming thunder
that accompanies it. That scary stuff really gets me shakin’ :(
Hiding from the thunder and lightning. Unfortunately, it still found me under my blankie. |
With all this storming going
on outside, it’s hard to believe that it’s already mid-July. Half of the time I
honestly don’t even know what month it is here…all I know is that it’s mother
freakin' HOT! These gloomy, rainy days sure make me long for a bit of warm
California sunshine. Lucky for my parents, a visit to California is in the near
future, and man are they excited! It’s been almost a year since they’ve been
home, which is just about the longest either of them has ever been away. Unfortunately I
won’t be able to join them on this trip. As you know, passport issues
keep me grounded here in the beautiful Kingdom until we’re leaving for good. It’s
not that bad though, there’s plenty of cool stuff to do here that’ll keep me
busy while they’re partying in the USA!
Just to give you an idea,
here are a few snapshots from some of our crazy adventures these past couple
Muay Thai @ Lumpini Stadium! |
Our first official Bangkok visitors!!! |
Longtail boat ride along the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok. |
Chiang Mai for a long weekend! |
Doi Suthep Temple in Chiang Mai. |
Mommy playing with some kitty cats in Chiang Mai. |
Careful wearing stripes when playing with tigers daddyo! |
Mahout in the making at Maesa Elephant Camp!! |
Adrenaline monkeys ziplining through the jungle in Chiang Mai! |
Mommy and her bestie getting crazy at the beach!! |
Whenever I get home sick for California I try to focus on all the wonderful times we've had here in Thailand, because I know someday we'll be living back in California, day dreaming of our time in Bangkok. Why is it that the grass is always greener on the other side? Or in my case...greener under my weeeeeeeeiner!!! HA! Bangkok is a great place to call home for the next couple of years. If only it had lush green fields for me to run and play, a few chilly winter days with a warm fireplace for me to snuggle by, and most importantly....In-N-Out Burger!!!!
Have a great trip! Remy - call us if you want to grab a beer while you're flying solo. ;)