Sawasdee-kop home dawgs! What’s new with everyone?!?! It's been kinda lonely in the B-Kok Stewart household lately. Mommy and I are on week number two with daddy away on a biz trip in Tokyo. I don’t know if it’s my inherent pack instincts, but life is so much better when we’re all together. Only three more days to go!!! All I can say is daddy better not come home empty handed!! I’ve seen pics of some of the cute long-haired doxies living in Tokyo, and I think it’s about time I deserve a girlfriend to play with! I’m not too picky, but preferably she’ll have long, flowing golden-blonde hair, blue eyes, and maybe a few dapple freckles. Not too much to ask for in my humble opinion…a guy can dream, right!?!
How much is that puppy in the window??? YIKES!
Anyways, I’m here with a long overdue report for a trip back in October of last year. This wasn’t just any trip….this was the BIG ONE! I'm of course referring to my parent’s two week honeymoon to gorgeous Mauritius. Or what I like to call it, their “hornymoon.” Hehehe! Upon returning from the 2-week retreat, we we’re all immediately forced into flood survival mode. Remember all that craziness? Bangkok was under constant threat of flooding at any moment, there were food and water shortages, crocodiles and green mamba snakes on the loose!!! Need I say more?!? We had some pretty big problems to deal with, and at one point even chose to evacuate and get the freak out of the city!! Things have calmed down for now (at least until the next rainy season in a few months), so I can finally give you a personal peak into the spectacular Mauritian paradise they enjoyed together.
Phoenix Beer Ad |
A surprise romantic bubble bath! Arranged for them by their room attendant. |
9-10-11!!! The day mommy and daddy said I DO!!!! |
Kenwood Vineyards....the wine that brought my parents together! This bottle should get some frequent flyer miles! It traveled all the way from California to Bangkok, and then to Mauritius! It was happily enjoyed while on their honeymoon :) |
"You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first, and then heaven, and that heaven was copied after Mauritius." True that, Marky Twain!! Mauritius is a small island located off the coast of Madagascar with significant Indian, French, Creole, and African influences. It was also the only home of the now extinct dodo bird. Without the ability to fly, the poor little guy got picked off pretty quick :( RIP little dodo buddy.
Le Dodo |
Priority #1 upon arrival at the Grand Mauritian Hotel…HEAD TO THE BEACH!!! Any doxie knows a swim in the warm ocean and a nap on the cushy sunbeds under the shade of palm trees is the perfect cure for jet lag! After a few hours in the sun, they headed into town to pick up some groceries. Phoenix beer, cheap (delicious!) French wine, Mauritian rum, cheese, salami, a fresh baguette, sardines, some fried Indian munchies, and a few pamplemousses (grapefruits)…just the absolute essentials!
Check out those pamplemousses!!! |
The next two weeks were jam packed with all sorts of fun activities. A waterfall excursion, a visit to a rum distillery, snorkeling in Turtle Bay, shopping in Port Louis, exploring all the island’s beautiful and many times hidden beaches, cruising in their stick-shift Renault (which Mommy eventually took out on the back roads to rally and learn how to drive a manual transmission!), and of course plenty of evenings simply spent sipping rum and fresh juice on their balcony. This was all marked by some of the most spectacular Southern Hemisphere sunsets they had ever seen. It was relaxing and romantic to say the least, as a honeymoon indeed should be! The perfect cherry on top of all their wonderful wedding experiences thus far. Dogs like me can really sense peoples emotions, and I can tell they're both so happy and thankful for everyone and everything in their life!
Pure yumminess!!! |
Drive it like you stole it!!! |
Downtown Port Louis |
Going BaNaNas!!!! |
If mommy had her way, we'd have a hot pink front door too ;) |
Some friends they met while cruisin' through town! |
Snorkel Time! Trying to find Nemo! |
This was a bit of a splurge, but you know what they say....when in Mauritius!!! |
Beach Henna |
Huge fruit bat hanging outside their villa window. At least I hope he's a fruit bat...gulp! |
On their very last day in paradise, literally the moment they were signing the bill upon departure, the unthinkable happened. The usually gentle trade winds suddenly shifted, and a piece of burning ash from a nearby sugar cane fire landed on the hotel’s thatched roof, quickly engulfing it in flames. Luckily no one was injured, but when the fire was finally put out several hours later, seven villas, the main restaurant and the hotel lobby were all destroyed. They drove away from the hotel with smoke and flames in their rear view mirror, local Mauritian fire brigades blasting past them in the opposite direction, horns blaring. It was a bittersweet departure, and their thoughts certainly went out to the kind and friendly employees that had made their stay so memorable. Since the lobby was completely burned down, they secretly (and very guiltily of course) had their fingers crossed their credit card information might have been destroyed in the fire. Several weeks had passed, but eventually that charge DEFINITELY hit the AMEX. They didn't mind though. Two weeks of pure Mauritian bliss, tucked away down in the warm waters of the South Indian was worth every rupee!
Unfortunately their honeymoon hotel is still closed for renovation from the fire damage :( |
Doesn't get much better than this :) |
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